Wassup, Y'all,
Welp, as Nasty Nas would say, “It ain’t hard to tell” if you’ve been paying attention, that Bitcoin & Ethereum has some crazy ass momentum going right now.
Issue 7 will cover some facts, insights, and a survey of who is really out here stacking those digital coins for the ultra come-up in 2021!
You may be asking “ Why 2021?” Well, historically after every Bitcoin halving, the price increases significantly (notice the surge upward after the halving in the blue chart) the following year, which in this case is 2021.
What’s coming after Halving 3? #FEW.
Current Bitcoin Price: $12.9k

So Analyze…
We have been watching the heck out of the trend of public companies adding digital assets to their balance sheets. The latest two companies to take the plunge are Square and MicroStrategy. Both companies have scooped up a collective boatload of bitcoin valued at $500M.
They are not fucking around.
At the moment, Bitcoin has thrown it’s pinky up and exclaiming “Domino, motherfucka!” like Ice Cube in Boyz in the Hood. All the dominoes are falling at a rapid pace.
As of now, public companies hold $10.3 Billion Bitcoin on their balance sheets. 🔥
Peep the current list of Publicly Traded Companies with Bitcoin Treasuries.

Sourced: https://bitcointreasuries.org

Fomoing super hard into Bitcoin…
You may be asking yourself “why are they scooping up so much Bitcoin (BTC)?” Welp, since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the FED has printed and lent out hella money that now tallies up to 20% of all the dollars in circulating supply!

With the FED’s constant printing of money, more stimulus in the trillions on the way, and the purchasing power of the dollar (aka inflation) weakening, it has folks pretty freaked out. These are a few of the main reasons why hella companies with cash reserves are side-eyeing 👀 the everlasting stability of the U.S. dollar and are looking for a hedge to protect their necks (assets to stack more wealth).

Something else to chew on: Let’s say current public companies’ value in bitcoin reserves goes up by 50%-100% over a few years. Others will notice. To remain competitiveAF they most likely will FOMO and bite the same strategy.
The Fomo continues…
🌟PayPal came thru with the most LIT announcement, that cryptocurrencies will be available to 350 million Paypal customers, including Venmo customers later down the road. This means peer to peer transactions with crypto!
Square scooped up 4,709 bitcoins, a $50 million investment representing 1% of the company’s total assets. JPMorgan called Square’s $50M Bitcoin Investment a “strong vote of confidence” for Bitcoin.
Prior to that, MicroStrategy copped $425 million worth of Bitcoin. Fully loaded. They now own 0.18% of the Bitcoin Supply.
Back in July, we let y’all know Paul Tudor Jones, the 7th highest-earning hedge fund manager of all time, announced he’s buying bitcoin.
🌟20 institutional investors have filed paperwork with the SEC showing they invested in the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC).

It’s clear what is taking place, right?
Massive Accumulation.
The Close Up
Understand what is taken place from the information we have shared. Take advantage of this opportunity (if you see it as one) before everyone else starts to FOMO (like 2017).
NahRabbits is only putting you on to the latest events in digital decentralized finance.
This is not financial advice. Do your own research.
And just an FYI

66,000 BTC (still chillin in Mt Gox wallets)
428,000 BTC (copped by Grayscale, Barry Sillbert-CEO isn’t messing around)
150,000 BTC (owned by Winklevoss Twins, some rich motherfu*ckers)
120,000 BTC (STRAIGHT JACKED by a Bitfinex hacker- Hella Weak)
38,250 BTC ( Swooped up by Microstrategy ) ⭐
30,000 BTC (copped by VC investor Tim Draper)
1105 BTC (kicking it in public Lightning channels)
2,650,000 BTC (chillin’ on crypto exchanges)
1,700,000 BTC (are in Zombie mode, meaning they haven’t moved in a very long time)
450,000 BTC (scooped up by the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust)
12,366,645 BTC (copped by the rest of us)
4,709 BTC (copped by Square aka Jack Dorsey )⭐
3,000,000 BTC (still left to be mined and up for grabs….Yaaaaas!! )
*Sourced by Arcane
End 🙏.

Nahrabbits is a newsletter about the not so obvious shit going down in tech and cool finance ( emphasis on crypto).
Recommend the vibes we are putting out: 100% of our newsletter growth comes from the recommendations of our ill forward-thinking readers. Chances are that if you’ve made it this far, we are into the same shit! If you know others who could benefit from our stuff, put them on, son!
Taking just a few hot seconds to forward our newsletter makes a big difference for us at NahRabbits! ❤️ We appreciate you!
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