Wait, hold up, Apple just joined Amazon, Space X, and Virgin Galactic in the Space Conquest? There is a potential $3 Trillion Pot of Gold up for grabs from the years 2020 -2040.
Who’s down?!
What’s Gucci, folks?!
Before everyone goes ham on the holiday parties, spiked egg nog, and your auntie’s mac & cheese, we’re putting you on an opportunity slowly creeping up, known as the Space Sector. The NahRabbits team will share more about the Space Sector throughout 2020. However, peep the few breadcrumbs that are indicating it’s about to pop off below.
(This is a short list of important events taking place)
(MUST WATCH) SpaceX And Amazon Are Launching 42,000+ Satellites If you watch this video you will understand the opportunity. Its 100%. Plus, Mega constellations and Starlink are covered in it.

Follow the money. ...The space market today is @ $350 billion, but Merrill Lynch projects the sector tripling Morgan Stanley’s expectation of a $1.1 trillion market by 2040 (20 years).
We must evolve to save the human race from extinction, Mars is on the way.. If you check the history of evolution on Earth, 99.9 % of all life forms have gone extinct.
Apple plans on beaming our data (please ask for our permission, first) directly between its devices and satellites to reduce the dependence on wireless carriers. Its no fun, if the homies can’t have none🍎
Investments overload….80 + countries have satellites in space 🤯
Virgin Galactic has 603 ride or dies… ready to pull up to space once it begins commercial flights next year. For an affordable $250k bands per trip, you can be 604th person. (C’mon, man. ) Most of us are not getting a flight over.
“Real recognize Real” not just in rap music...The biggest bosses and influencers in business; Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, and Elon Musk ALL own space companies. Cream, get the money!

The Space Companies - owned by the Jeff, Rich, and Elon 🚀
Virgin Galatic - $SPCE
Blue Origin ( consider Amazon )
SpaceX ( consider Tesla)
This tweet from Mark Yusko below was shipped when crypto was at its lowest point and capitulation was the norm.
The Space Sector has their naysayers as well but we thought his words are so official when it comes to innovation in general.
This way of thinking that Mark tweets about, leads us to our stance on $SPCE. We are super LONG on it. It’s going to take some time, yes. Are there safety worries? You betcha! But there were safety worries when planes and cars shipped too. The biggest factor is patience.

📈Space Stocks: Virgin Galactic ($SPCE) -Long Term Hold.
Currently, the Price a share for $SPCE is $10.66.
A projected $22 -$60 is being touted by a stock analyst.
1. ⭐⭐⭐$SPCE is the only stock that lets an average person gain exposure to human spaceflight, a socially-important movement, and space tourism.
Point-to-point hypersonic travel could disrupts the private jet industry. $800 Million market potential. NY to Hong Kong in 3 hours is what a Hypersonic could do.
Morgan Stanley has a $60 bull case valuation on Virgin Galactic and a $1 bear case valuation.
Again, you MUST WATCH SpaceX And Amazon Are Launching 42,000+ Satellites to understand the opportunity of the space sector.
DYOR before you buy this stock -*Not investment advice.
We are keeping this 1st issue super short. There was a ton of information we could have put in this Zine but decided to leave it out. We respect your time so we are here to put you on to things quickly and then were out!

It’s time to close the decade out right with our list of favorite things that made our lives super fly, interesting, and want more life.
❗Our List ( no order in particular)
1. Broken Record Interview with Andre 3k -” beautiful” - RickRubin. #classic
2. James Clear’s Atomic Habits
3. A Banksy painting self-destructed.
5. Bitcoin going to $20k racks!
6. Apple released racially-diverse emojis.
7. Virgil Abloh announce head of LV - watch at 12:05 ( super touching moment) 📺
8. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBO. HBO Max. And AppleTV
10. “ Get Out” the Movie
11.Palace and Polo collab & Supreme and LV
12. Kapernick takes the knee
13. The Women March in DC
14. Tesla Stocks
15. KLM Business Class ( Overseas Travels)
16. RobinHood- democratizing finance
17. Twitter’s intro to 180 Characters
18. Howlin Rays Nashville Chicken
19.Apple Iphone
20.The Everything Store Book
21.Thank you for being Late Book
22. Da Baby (Honorable Mention)- The most creative Rapper in a long ass time.

23. Beyonce -Lemonade
24. Re election of Barack Obama
25. Action Bronson

Next Issue is coming Jan 6th 2020