📟 The Pager: Like, Foreal Foreal

The big ass increase in the S&P 500 & NASDAQ has been concentrated in a few popping stocks and kept going by the Federal Reserve's endless bags of stimulus coin.
Some of our stocks are super cracking right now, but peep; only 5 stocks are repping 25% of S&P 500. This is what’s holding up the markets. Plus, these 5 stocks are overly weighed in over 300 ETFs.
That’s a lot of risk on just 5 stocks (Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, and Facebook).
It may be time to fall back. We have the 3rd & 4th quarter of the year coming up, and the possibility of the markets getting shooked by COVID is lurking 👀. Let's not forget that the election is coming too.

Taking shelter in Bitcoin & dare we say cash/gold, to ride this out until it's time to re-enter in a real recovery may be the move.
Not saying get out the market, but we’re letting you know it may get serious like foreal foreal, very soon.
Take Heed.
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A quick rundown of some interesting finds on Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Bitcoin price: $9,100 per coin
Fractional buys of this asset are available
ArkInvest wrote an eloquent clap👏 back👏 to all the haters like Goldman Sachs, who recently told their investors to stay away from Bitcoin.
“ARK believes that some influential financial research institutions are dismissing bitcoin based on stale information, incoherent arguments, and flawed analysis. ”.
The clap back addresses the following common myths about Bitcoin
Claim: bitcoin is too volatile to serve as a store of value.
Claim: bitcoin is in a bubble.
Claim: Bitcoin is for criminals.
Claim: Bitcoin wastes too much energy.

Get Ya Next Stimulus Checks Ready…. J/K
Have you ever wondered how much that $1200 stimulus check could have been worth if you dumped it all into Bitcoin?
Don’t do it just take a look. #interesting

Reddit and Ethereum are in the works to collab on a trial program designed to let users reward each other with Reddit coins or Community points for their contributions using the Ethereum blockchain. 🤯

This is super dope on many levels.
1). This move will start the trend for social money.
2). Get non-crypto users in the habit of using crypto
3). Test a new way to engage & build ANY community.
🤙Take Away
Just imagine an artist ( DJ, Rapper, Podcaster, Visual Artist) wants to reward fans with custom social money if they help refer friends to the brand—the fan can redeem the social money for Merch, a shout out, 30 min fan call, etc.
Hella Use Cases.
Seeing use cases like Reddit x Ethereum validates our belief that crypto is the future.
Ethereum $222 per coin
Fractional buys of this asset are available
🔦Cool Web App Alert:

It’s simple: You “drive” around cities while listening to their local radios
This is New York on E.31 Street.

Is it just us who is thinking that this could be the new way to consume music?
They even have a NIGHT VIEW. 🔥

Peep it, here.
Now you know.
Thank you for reading!
Nahrabbits created The Pager to communicate a mix of frequent messages to people about the not so obvious shit going down in tech and cool finance